Saturday, February 28, 2015
I Have Bragging Rights Because I Am Part 2
- Part 1 - Teaching Habits That Inspire You Out of Learning?
- Link to ZaidLearns Teaching Links
"If you done it, it aint bragging." - Walt Whitman"Its not bragging if you can back it up." - Muhammad Ali
“He who is humble is confident and wise. He who brags is insecure and lacking.” - Lisa Edmondson
In the last episode, we got a taste of a lecturer that only had time to engage the whiteboard, so that he could complete his syllabus. This time around, I will have to put on my student experience goggles and transport myself back to an undergraduate psychology course (Deviant Behavior) I took in the previous millennium. For the identity protection sake, we will name this lecturer Dr. Brag.
Dr. Brag was not an ordinary lecturer. No, he was an extraordinary lecturer! I used to enjoy coming to his classes, and occasionally he practiced what he preached, too. So, why are you writing about Dr. Brag? Lets begin!
Although, I admired his expertise, experience and knowledge, it got kind of frustrating listening to him brag (boastful statements/arrogant talk) about all his amazing achievements every class. By the end of the course, we probably knew more about him and his familys achievements than the subject matter itself. Every class, we would hear one self-glory ego-boosting story after another, covering his greatness in sports, politics, work, family and education. Yes, he was also writing more than 10 books concurrently at that time. My best friend was assisting him in editing these books, and that must have been reasonably challenging. I wonder if Dr. Brag ever finished writing any of those amazing books.
I have to feel sorry for the guy, too. He had high blood pressure and was a diabetic in a country like Malaysia. Now, that is a bad combination, especially when the classroom is hot and humid with many students who are mentally on holiday. Or sleeping with their eyes open!
Anyway, I was there! Since I had already developed the habit of sitting in the front row and asking questions, the classes got quite lively at times. Although, he bragged a lot, I loved the fact that he would always challenge us. The one bragging challenge that really got to me, was that he was happy to claim that, "No student in my class has ever gotten an A!" I am not sure if that is something a lecturer should be proud of, but strangely some are.
That was a challenge too good to resist. I didnt get that many As during my undergraduate days, but somehow this particular challenge inspired me to get one. And I am really proud to share with you all that I was the first student at the University to achieve an A with him (Am I bragging or what! I hope he was actually telling the truth!). The glory was short lived though, as I heard that others got As with him in the following semesters. Well, I am proud to be the first one at least (Bragging again!).
I suppose Deviant Behavior was a course that came naturally to me, so I should not think so highly of my success. It is also no surprise that I also scored an A in Abnormal Psychology (Oh man, can you stop bragging!). Some students scores As all the way, some score As in only subjects they like, and some dont get a single one. Nothing to worry about, if you believe in yourself and work hard, I am pretty sure you can succeed anyway. Also, scoring As is probably not the best indicator to predict future success in life. Though, it does help to get a few As on your scroll, because it could at least help you to get an interview with a top company. Why didnt I think of that earlier!
Some argue that Teachers or lecturers join the academic world (of theory), because they are failures in the real (practical) world. Such statements often drive academic staff nuts (even if it is sometimes true!), and brings laughter to students. Anyway, we dont need to go into this discussion here, because it will probably lead to no constructive alignment.
Instead, we could ask ourselves, "why do we like to brag about our achievements?" Do you brag? I certainly do, but I usually feel kind of stupid when I realize it. But then again, we forget fast, because it is always nice to feel appreciated and important. The best thing is when someone else praises us about our work. But if none do, we could always do it ourselves.
The best thing about teaching and bragging, is that we are guaranteed an audience, which will probably just look in shock and awe (some will already be sleeping!). I mean, no sane student is going to stand up, and tell the lecturer, "Give us a break from your pathetic achievements, and please get on with the class!" And unless one or a few students make it clear sooner or later, the lecturer will probably continue semester after semester, year after year. Interestingly, the stories will become more amazing and exciting every time they are told. There might even be 2-3 new versions every semester, especially if the lecturer is teaching more than one section.
Certainly, lecturers that have a lot of experiences relevant to the topic discussed should share them with the class. However, we should also ask ourselves whether we are doing it to assist our students to understand the learning content better, or emphasize an important point, or are we doing it to boost our ego. Perhaps we do it for both reasons.
If you think that your achievements are so great, perhaps you should watch a few TED Talks to put your achievements in a global perspective (do a bit of benchmarking, please!).
In my opinion, the greatness of a lecturer does not lie in what he (or she) has personally achieved. Instead, a great lecturer is a person who is able to consistently facilitate AHA-moments in students (Oh, now I understand!) and inspire (or trigger) them to explore and discover their true potential.
To sum up, Dr. Brag was actually a very knowledgeable and experienced lecturer, but his habit of bragging was something that was in my opinion more destructive than constructive in motivating students and facilitating learning.
Do you brag in class (or at work)? Has it become a habit beyond control? Think about it! It doesnt take much effort to change. I am trying, but I want to be appreciated and feel important! Unless I tell them, they will never respect me, recognize my amazing talent, and look up to me. What was the agenda again?
"Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success." - Dale Carnegie
- Part 1 - Whiteboard And I Are One!
- Part 2 - I Have Bragging Rights, Because I Am …
- Part 3 - Is PowerPoint Evil?
- Part 4 - No Stupid Questions! I am Serious!
- Part 5 - Show Up to Throw Up! 21st Century Thinking?
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Three Principles Of Effective Online Pedagogy by Bill Pelz
Link to article
The three principles of effective online pedagogy:
- Let the students do (most of) the work - Student led discussions, student find and discuss web resources, students help each other learn (Peer assistance), students grade their own homework assignments , and case study analysis.
- Interactivity is the heart and soul of effective asynchronous learning - Collaborative research paper and research proposal team project.
- Strive for presence - Discussion responses that add value to a discussion fall into one or more of three categories: Social Presence, Cognitive Presence, or Teaching Presence.
"There are two ways that the professor and the students can add teaching presence to a discussion:
- By facilitating the discussion: a) Identifying areas of agreement and disagreement, b) Seeking to reach consensus / understanding, c) Encouraging, acknowledging and reinforcing student contributions, d) Setting a climate for learning, e) Drawing in participants / prompting discussion, f) Assessing the efficacy of the process
- By direct instruction: a) Presenting content and questions, b) Focusing the discussion, c) Summarizing the discussion, d) Confirming understanding, e) Diagnosing misperceptions, f) Injecting knowledge from diverse sources, g) Responding to technical concerns "
An interesting and in-depth article showing many examples of effective online learning. If you are facilitator or lecturer involved in online learning, this paper will give you many ideas on how to improve the online teaching and learning environment. If you are not involved in online learning, then you should read it anyway . Students should also read it, so that they can enlighten their facilitator or lecturer with some juicy tips, if the class is boring and not enjoyable.
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Google’s autonomous car gets a ‘B’ in driving test Not great but better than most of us
Still, this latest “exposé” is not nearly as damning as some are framing it to be. To me, the interesting thing about self-driving cars is not the amount of trust that people are willing to put in self-driven vehicles, but rather the amount of trust that they are willing to put in human-driven vehicles. Most people’s reaction to driving algorithms involves questions such as, “What if there was a bug?” or, “What if you got hacked?” Such questions are best answered with a counter-question: What if your taxi driver had a seizure? What if your bus driver panicked in an unexpected situation? What if the trucker coming from the other direction simply fell asleep at the wheel?
Bear in mind that some maddeningly large portion of human drivers also don’t know how to deal with roundabouts, rail crossings, and similar situations, but that they have too much ego and self-interest to admit this fact and avoid a particular intersection. We accredit these people to drive because, a) the economy must continue to function even if most people are uncoordinated and easily distracted, and b) because we understand that licensing someone to drive is about telling whether or not they are good enough to drive. Every tiny mistake, from a missed shoulder check to an improper turning angle, could easily result in a death, so the point is not whether a driver could hypothetically make a fatal mistake, but how likely such a mistake is to occur.
Autopilot in planes, while less complex, has improved the safety of air travel. |
Additionally, most drivers can’t be usefully
trained how to react to things like aquaplaning or brake failure, and even if they have been trained they’ll often panic and take the wrong action. Self-driving vehicles, by contrast, can be given vicarious training on the level of a population — new research on how to handle ice can be distributed and perfectly internalized by every auto-car on the road, regardless of age. I can’t even get my grandpa to yield to buses! There seems to be something deeply welded into the human psyche, an impulse to be less fearful of dangers we understand. I can understand and empathize with my grandpa’s crusty stubbornness with regard to transit vehicles, and thus his dangerous driving is less distressing to me than the exact same behavior unconsciously executed by some faceless software construct.
When people point to the early-stage limitations of self-driving software as an attack on its chance of success, they are also making a second, more strident statement: that self-driving vehicles don’t just have problems, but that those problems are in fact more dangerous than the problems with human drivers. I don’t have to cite a glut of horrifying driving statistics to point out how absurd such an idea is, do I? The extreme fallibility (and physical limitations) of human drivers are in fact pushing self-driving technology forward, as industry sees a chance to reduce liability; if you don’t trust the public-safety motivations of government overseers, then trust the profit incentives pushing corporations like Walmart away from accident-prone mammalian car-pilots.
A self-driving Prius much like the one that took the Nevada road test |
Imperfection in a self-driving system is fixable — a self-driving mistake that leads to a fatality can be used to prevent all such mistakes from happening again in the future. As such, bugs in software ought to distress us far less than similar or identical bugs in human ability. The safety of a road with even one human driver is dictated by the worst moment of the worst human driver in the area, while the safety of a totally self-driven roadway is dictated by the pinnacle of human mastery of software and multi-variable kinetics.
This test shows not that self-driving cars are as bad as a middling driver, but that they are as good as one. That’s better than any highway-driving population on Earth could ever hope to collectively deliver. Remember: it’s not about the car being better than you. It’s about you being worse than the car.
The all new iPhone6 and iPhone6
The iPhone 6 features you probably missed
Beyond the borked keynote live cast, frustrating pre-order process and Android cult members saying iPhone 6 is like the Nexus 4, Apples thinner, lighter, faster and larger iPhone model is here, confirming almost every credible expectation listed here and here. Heres this weeks collection of little-known iPhone 6 facts.
Notice the power button
Did you notice Apple moved the power button in iPhone 6? This has always sat at the right on top the phone, but has now been moved to the top on the right side of the device.
Phase detection
Focus Pixels
Apple has used dual-domain pixels inside the very bright (500cd/m2) displays on the new iPhones, so you can expect much better viewing angles even in uneven lighting conditions -- though black tones may seem slightly purple if the pixels are incorrectly arranged, so well see how that goes in manufacturing.
Much faster LTE/4G
Apple has radically improved the 4G/LTE support in this model. The iPhone 6 is capable of 4G download speds up to 150Mbps and will handle HD voice calling over 4G (which carriers want to turn us all onto). And it supports 20 LTE bands -- more than anyone else right now.
Wi-Fi wonder
Siri is aware
Hide Data Behind Images

Steganography is the art and science of hiding messages, Images, Data etc. in such a way that no one, apart from the sender and intended recipient, suspects the existence of the Data- security through obscurity. By using this small and neat trick you can hide whatever data you want behind any image of your choice without reducing its quality, In the following tutorial I will show you how you can hide data behind images without using any exotic software.(Good old Winrar or Winzip is sufficient)
1. Create a folder in your C drive and name it as "hide"(Using Root Directory will make this a bit easier).
2.Now you can put anything and everything you want to hide in this folder. Text files,images,executables (ANYTHING).Also, put the image behind which you want to hide the files in the same directory, say "image.jpg".
3.After putting everything you want to hide in the "hide" folder, Right click on it, and click "Add to Hide.rar" or "Add to archive". Our goal is to create a .rar file of the "Hide" folder.
Now you should see the "hide.rar"created in the same directory along with the folder.
4. Now we need to open up command prompt and change the working root directory to your current directory and type the following commands.(First change directory then create the output file).(Remember "C" is capital in "C:\")
►cd C:\
►Copy /b image.jpg + hide.rar output.jpg
Here "image.jpg" is the image behind which you want to hide the rar file.
"hide.rar" is the file containing the files to be hidden.
"output.jpg" is the output file that we want. It contains the hidden files, but looks like an image
After executing the following command, we will see an extra image called "output.jpg" created in the same directory.(Note that its size is size of image.jpg +size of hide.rar)
Now you can delete all the files except "output.jpg". If you double click the file, it opens a normal image. But you can see the hidden files by opening the file with winrar.(Right Click->Open With->Choose WinRar.)
Thats It! Now you can send this image to anyone, what others will see is just a regular image but if the recipient knows, s/he will be able to access any secret information privately.This tutorial can be used for any type of files like mp3,wmv,txt etc. since anything can be put into a Rar file.
Although you may want to keep the files to be hidden as small as possible since it wouldnt be very subtle if you try hiding a 15 Gb setup file for the game Crysis 3 behind a 5Kb smiley picture.
Java program to display multiplication table of any number

class Table
public static void main(String...s)
int n,i;
System.out.println(n+" * "+i+" = "+(n*i));
path classpath java home jre home settings for pentaho community edition in windows 64 bit OS
* set as it is in the image(User variables) do not concentrate on system variables

System variables
JAVA_HOME, JRE_HOME for pentaho community installation.

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C program to perform arithmetic operations using switch case

void main()
int ch;
float a,b,res;
printf("Enter two numbers:");
Enter your choice:");
case 1: res=a+b;
case 2: res=a-b;
case 3: res=a*b;
case 4: res=a/b;
default: printf("Wrong choice!!
Press any key...");
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Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Far Cry 1 for PC full version

Even games with the best of intentions come and go, if they fall short in a couple key areas, to be eventually shuffled off to the graveyard of industry footnotes. A new graphical innovation here, a good sense of humor there, but something just doesnt gel. With Far Cry, however, you can see so many places where things could have gone wrong, but didnt. The AI could easily have been blindly aggressive or stone deaf. The load times could have been constant and distracting. In almost all major areas, Far Cry manages to walk the tightrope of game design over a chasm of Things Gone Wrong. Ive always wondered why no one apparently tried to license the AI of the Marines in Half-Life, because after that, I was always a little bit disappointed with the FPSs that came after. And finally someone has answered the call and the creatures here are actually smart.
Its not all wine and roses, though. Its important to keep in mind that this game is meant to push your rig to its limit. My home system is a 2.4GHz P4 with 512MB of RAM and a 9700 Pro, and while this has been more than enough for 99% of the games Ive played on, with all the details cranked up, its not the case here. I need the full power of the Alienware rig at work, a 3.0GHz P4 with a gigabyte of RAM and a 9800 Pro. The deciding factor seems to be the extra RAM and CPU horsepower, as I can run everything on Very High on this machine, but the home rig has to do Medium and High on most options. However, the many graphical options provide plenty of flexibility. You cant ratchet down view distance, but you can tone down things like dynamic lighting, water effects, and shadows. The game will only load once for each of the enormous areas, and it takes about a minute, but reloading from a save game after dying only takes a few seconds. The system with a gigabyte of RAM did both operations noticeably quicker.
With that said, Far Cry can be an incredibly beautiful game. From the 1-kilometer view distance, to the almost-overflowing foliage, lighting and more, this game is a bullet point list of things youd want a game to be able to do. Im very pleased to say, though, that its more than just a glorified tech demo. It creates a continuous strategic and tactical challenge while wowing my eyeballs with next-generation bells and whistles. There is some clipping--it seems to be unavoidable in a 3D engine--and textures at a distance scale down noticeably even with everything maxed out. Also, youll sometimes see long-range targets fade in as you get close to them. Lastly, lowering some of the graphical settings for the environment can produce foliage popping, where a bush will start out as a flat, basic texture, then sort of spring into a full-fledged, high-detail image as you get close to it. However, the smallest (and most numerous) foliage objects would fade into view as you may have seen in PlanetSide, which is much more transparent for the player. Read more
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C program to print following square using character
void main()
int i,j,n;
clrscr(); //to clear the screen
printf("Enter size of the square:");
printf(" ");
getch(); //to stop the screen
Gas Guzzlers Extreme PC Game Full version

Gas Guzzlers Extreme, for no sensible reason, reminds me of a racing game I thoroughly enjoyed and yet have never heard a single other human mention: Beetle Crazy Cup. It came out in 2000, from Infrogrames as was, by the entirely unknown Xpiral. It was a VW-licensed game that I gave it 85% in PC Gamer back then, and I don’t think a single person bought it. I bring this up, because I’m struggling to find too many interesting things to say about Gas Guzzlers Extreme.
That’s not to say it’s a disaster. It’s incredibly clumsy, but the issue here is that it’s just a touch bland. It’s, well, a driving game with shooting in it. It’s Mario Kart with proper cars, and utterly without the intuitive delivery. Have I enjoyed my brief go? A bit. I haven’t hated it. I’ve driven around a few tracks, done well, done badly, shot at other cars and been shot at. And, it all feels awfully familiar.
There’s a definite desire to go big, but unfortunately little actual delivery. So while it seems to think it’s delivering big explosions and violence, it’s all rather tempered and ordinary, the real pleasure of an anarchic driving game buried in a confusion of obscurity. Everything is just so incredibly vague, from whether you’ve clipped a floating bonus item to pick it up to what bonus you currently have to whether you’ve deployed it. The Arcade mode offers generous cornering and liberal use of handbrakes, and that’s my sort of racing, but all the other cars seem to be having a lot more fun than me. I can see the mines they’ve dropped – I’ve no idea if I’ve ever dropped mine.
There’s a garage, cars to be bought and augmented with won money, exactly as you’d expect. You begin with a Reliant Robin, then move onto a Beetle – you get the idea there. But you can attach weapons, boost engines, etc, and then take part in the heavily rubber-banded racing that’s a mad cluster of short-cuts and frustration as other drivers crash into you. That’s an issue solved by jumping online, of course, where such actions feel far more fair when done at you by another human. Although that’s a bit tricky here – at the time of writing there were a total of seven people playing, and the game wouldn’t let me join the one populated race. Which is actually a shame, as the deathmatch mode against the AI is quite fun. It has potential online.
However, I really wasn’t too impressed with a new game in late 2013 turning Win 7 down to Basic mode, nor refusing to launch until I’d set my desktop resolution to 1024×768.
But what has this to do with Beetle Crazy Cup, you ask. Good point. Read more
System Requirements:
Processor Intel Core 2 Duo @ 2.00GHz
Video card GeForce 8800 Ultra / Radeon HD 4850
DirectX 9.0c
OS Windows XP
Free space 12 GB
Screen Shots: Click on the image to view large screen
click to begin
6.3 GB
I hope you like it......!
CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 Full Version Download

CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 is a trusted and comprehensive application for designing visual communications for all media. CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 can be used by beginners as well as people who are professional though. Using CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 you can create visual designs according to your imagination. Friends can create designs quickly, easily, and in accordance with your creativity. So, start creating with CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6.
CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 is developed natively for 64-bit processors and 32-bit. CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X6 provides a powerful vector illustration, page layout, photo editing,
tracking, web graphics, and web site creation tool that help you work faster and more efficiently. Corel ® CONNECT work flow X6 will make it easier to get content and manage projects friends. It makes you like the entrance to a large library with a wide range of content available, which will help to save time. With Corel ® Website Creator ™ X6 with dozens of templates and the World ® Styles, you can easily create a design, build, and maintain a web presence without having to learn code. In addition, CorelDRAW ® X6 provides four new features - Smear, Twirl, attract, and Repel - that will make the design you get better and faster. Corel ® PHOTO-PAINT ™ X6 introduces Smart Carver ™, which is a new tool that makes quick work in resizing an image or remove unwanted areas.
Minimum System Requirements:
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Intel® Pentium® 4, AMD Athlon™ 64 or AMD Opteron™
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DVD drive for installation by disc
Mouse or tablet
Microsoft® Internet Explorer® 7 or higher
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C Program to convert a lowercase alphabet to uppercase or vice versa
void main()
char ch;
cout<<"Enter any Alphabet:";
You have entered a lowercase alphabet";
The uppercase alphabet is "<<ch;
You have entered an Uppercase alphabet";
The lowercase alphabet is "<<ch;
void main()
char ch;
cout<<"Enter any Alphabet:";
You have entered a lowercase alphabet";
The uppercase alphabet is "<<ch;
You have entered an Uppercase alphabet";
The lowercase alphabet is "<<ch;
PSD Corporate Identity MockUp

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Pros and Cons of Interviewing Bloggers on your Blog

For some people bloggingis a way of life; they like producing content that stimulates conversation while also informing readers about a particular topic. In order to stay motivated, a blogger must get traffic by producing quality content and practicing tried and true techniques. One of these techniques is to interview another blogger or an individual who has authority in the same niche as you to provide a different perspective to your readers, which adds value. While this technique is effective, there are also some costs that go along with it. This article will go over the benefits and costs of interviewing bloggers for your blog.
Also Read: How to Choose the Right Theme for Your Blog?
Also Read: The 3 Basic Things You Should Know Before Creating a Blog to Become a Successful Blogger
As stated previously, one of the main benefits in interviewing bloggers for your blog is that your readers get to hear a different voice than the one theyre used to. While you’re the one asking the questions, the bulk of the content will be transcribed in the voice of the interviewee. This gives your audience real insight into what a person is thinking and allows them formulate opinions based on how another thinks, not just you. The immediate benefit to this is that your readers will feel like your blog is a place of discussion and exploration rather than a dictatorship ran by a person behind a computer.
Another benefit of interviewing bloggers on your blog is that you get real-life contact with the person if it’s a face-to-face interview. If start corresponding with other bloggers in your niche and become friendly, these good feelings go to a different level once you meet and chat about the issues. What this does overtime is allow your name and blog pop up in that person’s mind whenever they encounter something dealing with your topic, giving you a great lead source.
As with most things that produces a benefit, there is a cost to it. One of the costs of interviewing bloggers to your blog is that you may simply be a poor interviewer. Having good interviewing skills is different than knowing about a topic. So if you have poor interviewing skills and your readers discover this it will bring down some of your authority. If a person can’t ask the right questions to a person, will they be able to ask the right questions about a topic? This line of thought can lose your readers.
Also Read: The Top 10 Websites to create free Logo for your Blog
Another cost to interviewing bloggers on your blog is that you can ruffle some feathers with your peers. In order to get traffic, one must network with others so that they can exchange links, guest posts, and other things. If you interview a person and it turns out that you have an agenda or that your lines of questions go into unpleasant territory, knowingly or unknowingly, then you can lose the trust--or worse respect--of that individual. Being able to gracefully navigate a variety of topics and issues is a requirement for interviewing.
While there are benefits and costs to interviewing bloggers on your blog, the former outweigh the latter. You can’t be scared of what might happen and forego the benefits that could happen.
Author Bio:
This is a guest post written by Tarun Jaitely, He is a blogger and writes about Make Money Online, Blogging, SEO, Reviews. He recommends you to check out his latest review about sensational wordpresstheme from MyThemeShopon his blog.
Magix Music Maker 2014 200345 Premium Full version with plugin patch or crack

MAGIX Music Maker is a music editor that offers you the possibility of creating and recording your own music. You can quickly make songs in an easy way and share them on social networks, including Facebook, YouTube or SoundCloud. Loops and samples can be mixed with different melodies. The tempo of the song is automatically adjusted, so the user can completely concentrate on creating songs.
One of its main advantages is the feature of adding realistic instruments’ sounds to your songs. These sounds have a high quality and can be modified with effects like distortion, reverb and compressor. Furthermore, there is a wide range of instrument samples such as drums, string instruments or classic sounds, giving you great possibilities. Read more
Very intuitive and complete interface
This program includes an interface in which searching for something will not take you too long, and will let the user decide how to work thanks to the flexible windows it has. At first, its interface can be a little tricky as it is very complete. However, there are several tutorials and helps that can guide you in your first steps. Once you get used to it, the interface is very intuitive and will provide you with all the necessary tools to create your music.
The main idea is to let the user concentrate in music. It is a program that makes possible even for beginners to compose their own productions in a short period of time. It transforms your computer into a recording studio. This editing software offers a wide variety of effects that you can add to your songs to make them look professional.
MAGIX Music Maker 2014 Features
- Possibility of creating your own music
- Combination of loops and sounds
- True-to-life instruments
- MIDI Editor integrated
- Studio Sound Quality
- Extra effects and instruments by VTS support
- ‘EssentialFX’ which provides a lot of tools
- Vintage Effects Suite available
- Intuitive Loops remix
- Possibility of remix creation

Operating System: Windows XP or later
Processor: 2 GHz or higher
Memory: 1 GB of RAM
Onboard graphics card
Internal Sound card
Screen resolution: 1024 x 768
Hard Drive Space: 5.5 GB free available
DVD optical drive
Screen Shots: Click on the image to view large screen
Magix Music Maker 2014 Premium Plugins: Download
click to begin
461 MB
I hope you like it......!
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