Wednesday, February 11, 2015

How to Speed Up the Page Load Time in Blogger

For any website only the loading time expresses its accessibility and usability. Among all the site structure, design algorithm, and its updates that are constantly changing, speed always plays a very major role and an essential component of a website for a better ranking. It would really bore if you need to wait for a 10 to 20 seconds for every single post to load.

How to Speed Up the Page Load Time in Blogger

Do you know the increase of load time could affect your blog and could increase your blog bounce rate? Yes, this could sometimes result in loss of traffic as well as search ranking! That is the reason why you need to improve the site’s load time.

First of all let me tell you how to check the site loading time. Using tools like Google Page Speed Test or Pingdom Tools can provide you the information about the loading speed on Mobile as well as Desktop platforms.

There are so many factors that could affect your load time and speed, here some easy efforts consider for blogger’s success!

Choosing the Right Template Design

Templates or themes play a huge role in the main structure of a blog. Make sure that you choose the right theme that is simple as well as does not ruin your speed. Remember, no one will like a blog that takes so much of time to load. So it is very essential to choose the template that has good structure and coding in order to support the loading speed.

Also Read: How to Choose the Right Theme for Your Blog?

Minifying JavaScript & CSS Files

Too many JavaScript code or CSS styles can take too much of time for a website to load. When you find it affects your user experience, then minify the JavaScript and CSS that removes all the Js and css files from the source page and add it on a single Js file and single CSS file. If it would be possible to include it on one, then it can greatly help you web page load quickly. To remove unnecessary codes from the template, navigate to Blogger Dashboard > Template > Edit HTML and try to search unnecessary coding to remove it.

Limiting the Number of Home Page Posts

Higher the number of posts higher will be the load time! Try to avoid setting too many posts on home page because it is the first thing which people see once they visit your blog. To do this, you can navigate to Blogger Dashboard > Setting > Post and Comment – Under the post field, enter the number of posts that you would want to display on home page!

Compressing and Optimizing Images

Images are a very crucial component that gives a visual treat to the users. At the same time, if you don’t use it properly, it could take a large amount of bandwidth. However, when you reduce image size, make accurate image widths, and choose fewer amounts of images on every page, it can easily reduce your loading time. Many a time, the size of “.jpg” file size will be lesser than that of “.png” depending on the photo editing software. But PNG is known for its transparency! So make sure to place the right format at the right place.

Also Read: Top 12 Best Logo Design Tools To Create Unique Logo Designs

Avoiding Ads (Iframe, JavaScript)

Advertisement like Google Adsense, Yahoo uses JavaScript and Iframe that also adds on loading time of your blog. Sometimes even if the header part is not loaded properly, then the rest of the page will stop getting displayed. This might cost you more than what you have earned! So be careful while using Ads. If it is mandatory to use Ads, then make sure to have a one or two not more than that!

Visitors of your website are more sensitive towards the look and feel! Even a small negative factor could affect you badly. As a blogger it is your responsibility to keep visitors engaging while staying happy. So keep in mind, retaining the visitor is highly possible with site’s load time!!

For more help about loading speed of a website, check out Google’s help forum:

Author Bio:
Amy Jasmine is a blogger addict who loves to share informative ideas on major blogs. She works for Chennai Webs Web Development Company and spends her free time on reading books.

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