Sunday, February 15, 2015

What is Josephus Problem

This is an interesting programmingproblem know in the literature as Josephus problem. The problem is given as:

1. Suppose there are n children standing in a queue.

2. Students are numbered from 1 to n in the clockwise direction.

3. Students choose a lucky number say m.

They start counting in clockwise direction from the child designated as 1. The counting proceeds until the mth child is identified. mth child is eliminated from the queue. Counting for the next round begins from the child next to the eliminated one and proceeds until the mth child is identified. This child is then eliminated and the process continues. After few rounds of counting only one child is left and this child is declared as winner.

Also Read: C Program for Tower of Hanoi Problem

What is Josephus Problem? [Animation, Function, Implementation, Program]
Josephus Problem Animation


It is required to write a program to identify a winner of the game. Inputs to the function are two parameters.

n: number of children
m: lucky number

function returns an integer identifying the winner

int winner (int m, int n)
                                 queue q;
                                 int i;
                                 init (&q);             //create a queue of n integers, numbered from 1 to n. Number I stands for ith child
                                 for (i=1; i<=n; i++)
                                                enqueue (&q, i);
                                 for (j=1; j<=n; j++)          //n-1 iterations to eliminate n-1 children
                                                for (i=1; 1<m; i++)            //skip m-1 children
                                                                x=dequeue (&q);
                                                                enqueue (&q, x);
                                                x=dequeue (&q);             //remove mth children
                                 x=dequeue (&q);            //last child winner
                                 return (x);

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